Blest Are They

Blest are they with wounded hearts
And with broken souls
For the master healer will touch them
Make them whole

We are all wounded
Yet choose not to see
That the master healer
Touches and sets free the broken hearted

Break our stubborn hearts
And bend our wills
Teach of your healing touch
Tell us you love us still

Lead us back
When the world seduces
An innocent eye
Promising riches and fame

Let us not end
In the pig sty
Longing to fill our hearts
With the food they leave

We will never be free
Or whole
Unless we are whole in you

Call us back
Seduce us once more
With songs of love
And wholeness

We are made 
To be yours
And we will never find joy
Until you are found

Bring us back
Lost sheep that we are
Embrace us in your mercy
And show us
We are truly loved
And bring us